Friday, April 4, 2008


The past two days in class we have had some of the best and most heated discussions. We all know that your race is part of your identity; therefore, it is very important to most people. With today being the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. assassination, it was very appropriate for us to discuss this hot topic. Since this horrible incident happened right here in Memphis, we know that racism has been an issue for a long time. I know each individual’s race is important to them and it should be but I do not think that people should take stuff so offensively. I know that sometimes it is really hard to do but there are always going to be those negative people who just want to bring others down to build themselves up. Your race is important because it your background and also affects you, but I also know that we are all humans and are equally made so we should be treated equally. I think that many of us held back in class because we are scared that we will offend someone and then they will turn around and hurt us. I wish this was not true, but I think that race will always be an issue because of events in the past that people and get over and because we are all sensitive.


emilyanne said...

Race is very important because it is in essence who you are. It's important to embrace that and also to respect others' races. You have to be careful what you say because it is really easy to offend people unfortunately.

courtney said...

I totally agree with you. I think race will always be an issue because it is embedded in our history. Hopefully it will lighten up but as for right now I think we were all scared to talk about it due to what people would think about our feelings and thoughts.