Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So the other night one of my sorority sisters car was parked outside of her house near campus and it was broken into. I am not sure of what all they stole but they did take our composite picture. (this is a picture of every girl in the chapter with their full name underneath) I personally find this extremely creepy because whoever it is probably off studying peoples’ pictures with their names. They told us that we should probably make all our facebooks and myspaces private so that they could not look at our pages. I guess I got really freaked out because three of us girls live together and you never know when something could happen. I know that crime is already horrible in Memphis so we should be extra cautious now. My mom tends to send me emails a lot about safety and things that have happened recently, so I usually try to be really careful while I am out and about. The other day she sent me one about a women who was approached by man while she was in her car pulling out of a gas station. The man was telling her that she had dropped money but the women did not roll her window down because she knew she did not. Then the man began beating her window and acting absurd so the woman knew he was up to something and drove off. Basically, I think we need to be more careful of our surroundings!


Sarah Marie Brock said...

holly crap that is creepy!!! Man I would be freaked out just knowing my car got broken into but knowing that someone has my picture andname....yaeh. There are def weird people in Memphis. You never know what can happen! I sa buy pepper spray just in case.. my dad bought me one not to lnog ago, so it might be a good idea.

Morgan Pettigrew said...

umm. this is past creepy. i am so scared of the "composite guy". that is literally straight out of a horror movie. i can see this guy with our composite posted on a wall, marking our pictures out one by one after he finds us... SCARY!

Anonymous said...

That is so weird. People are so messed up sometimes and it scares me. Memphis has such a high crime rate and it seems like it is kind of unusual if do not know someone who has been robbed or something. You and the girls in your house need to be careful!

Sarah said...

Brooxie…you never told me about this!! That is really freaky that someone would steal a picture of yall. I hope there was no purpose behind it! It is good you are being precautious though. It is sad but there really are some psycho people out there! Now a days you have to be careful everywhere you go.