Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I had an extremely exciting weekend! My sister, who lives in Nashville and her boyfriend, came in town for Easter. Well they did not just come in town for Easter, but Kyle, my sister’s boyfriend, was proposing Saturday night. He was so excited! They had been talking about getting married and stuff so Christy, my sister, told him to make sure the proposal was a huge surprise. So he had it all planned out. We were all going to go downtown and since he had never been to the Peabody, he had said he wanted to see it and that is where he planned to propose. He wanted my parents, his dad, and me there because he knew that it would throw Christy off and they had talked about how they wanted pictures of it. So as they are taking some pictures, he discretely pulls the ring out and holds it on her side. Then, when she was not really paying attention he got down on his knee! It was so cute and of course she said yes and started crying! I am really happy for them and really excited about all the planning since the wedding is on July 12th, which is so soon!!


courtney said...

aww that sounds so fun! I love exciting proposals like that! My brother in law totally suprised my sister at her college graduation party and then my other brother sent his fiance on a scavenger hunt! Lets just say that I better get an awesome proposal as well!

Anonymous said...

Aw that is so cute! That is really cool that you got to see your sister get proposed to and she had pictures of it, too! The wedding date is so close! There is just so much planning that goes into a wedding. Where are they thinking about getting married?

Sarah said...

Brooxie that is so exciting about your sister’s engagement!! I cannot believe her fiancĂ© proposed on top of the Peabody. She looked so surprised in the pictures you showed me. It all sounds so amazing! I know you are looking forward to her wedding this summer. I can’t wait to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

I bet that was a fun experience. I think the way he did it was cute and to have the family there is really thoughtful. I hope mine will be that exciting. Are you going to be in the wedding? I am sure you are because she is your sister.

Morgan Pettigrew said...

haha we have all been so excited about Christy's wedding extravaganza!! i was really sad for you though when you told me yesterday that she was going to move to houston. i dont know what i would do if my brother got married and moved halfwway across the country.

love you and i am so excited!!

Brandi said...

That's so exciting about your sister being engaged! I bet you and your mom are excited that she actually found someone that makes her happy and that yall approve of! And hey, atleast you get to be in your sisters wedding! be prepared for a lot of events coming up for this already! haha.