Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No child Left Behind research

The No Child Left Behind act was signed with good intentions. No Child Left Behind is divided into four main sections: stronger accountability for results, more freedom for states and communities, proven educational methods, and more choices for parents. With this act, the states are having proficiency tests to see where each student stands to see where extra help needs to be placed. “Under No Child Left Behind, every state is required to 1) set standards for grade-level achievement and 2) develop a system to measure the progress of all students and subgroups of students in meeting those state-determined grade-level standards” (Archived 10). All students, no matter their race, religion, or diablilities are held accountable for what they have learned (Archived 10). Another aspect of No Child Left Behind, is that the schools get to decide where the money received needs to be used. For instance, some schools have better sports programs while others have better music programs, so the individual schools can place the money where most needed. This act is researching many different methods of learning as well as methods of teaching in order to make learning easier for the student. All students learn differently; therefore, teachers need to be able to accommodate each students’ learning abilities (Four). No Child Left Behind also allows parents to place their children in different schools, if their child’s school is not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress or other standards within the act.


Kelvin Oliver said...

Nice research. I remember reading this as I did a bit of research of the NCLB Act. Very interesting information. When I was in high school, as I think about it now, I do not remember hearing anything about this or how each pillar is was taken in action within the school district and Raleigh-Egypt High.

Though it is intended for the good of everyone, there seems to be problems with it for the most part from teachers and parents.

Sarah Marie Brock said...

Well yesterday while I was watching TV, I saw this one thing taht I thought you could probably use in your paper. That the school board might pass a rule that is a student does not graguate from high school, then they are striped from driving until they are 21. I don't know if it'll help but it;s something. Plus it's very random but it came on the news last night but I dont know if they are actually going to do it.

Morgan Pettigrew said...

Very good research my friend. I did a paper on no child left behind, for my political science class last semester, so if you need any information.. you know where i live hahaha. seriously though i have a ton of stuff you can use!