Friday, March 28, 2008

Cherry Picking

We all know we are guilty of cherry picking. We all want our evidence to stand out and grab the reader’s attention. If I am writing a persuasive paper, I know that I want to get the information that stands out and makes my side look good.
When I looked up cherry picking, of course, Wikipedia came up so I first looked at that site. Wikipedia says that it is using information to support a specific side while ignoring the opposing side. Then I went to this blog site. They were talking about how politicians cherry pick a lot. I had never really thought about it before but of course politicians are going to want to make their campaign look better than their opponent’s campaign. A perfect example is the commercial s that the candidates release. Most candidates will make a commercial that shows a negative aspect of their opponent, so that they will look better. These candidates probably do the same things as their opponents they are just trying to show how wonderful they are and how horrible the other candidate is. I do not think cherry picking is that bad because we are all guilty of it. We all want what is best for ourselves, or something we support so we are going to want to make it look good.

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