Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sex Offenders

So today before my Weather and Climate class I thought I would get a newspaper to look at. The first thing that caught my attention were the words “Sex Offenders”. Right above these words was a map of the area around the university with markings of offenses against children, sexual battery, rape, and other offenses. As I began reading the article I realized how many sexual offenders were around The University of Memphis. I think many of us assume that sexual offenders are creepy looking older men but this is not always the case. A sexual offender could be any one! They also said that there is a registered sex offender currently enrolled in the university! I think this is extremely scary because I do not think that we are cautious enough. I know that most of the time I am not being cautious and just do not think about what I am doing and watching my surroundings. I think that many times we do not expect anything bad to happen to ourselves, but I think we need to start being more careful and being more aware of our surroundings so something like this does not happen. I also think that the police need to focus more on this situation before it gets out of hand.


Anonymous said...

I saw this article the other day too in the paper and I thought it was very scary on how many of them are so close to us. I mean it is weird to think we are walking around campus and behind us or in front of us could be walking a sex offender. It really creeps me out and makes me sick to my stomach. I do not understand how people can do things like that.

Sarah said...

I was with you when you read the article and that was so freaky to see all those little marks standing for sex offenders surrounding the school. I never think about sex offenders; it just seems like something you hear about on TV. We really do need to at least remain aware that they do exist and are all around us. We should never let our guard down.

Nancy said...

I do agree that you should be aware of your surroundings and take precautions. You don't ever want to walk in fear. I always tell my daughters to make good decisions and do not put yourself into a position where you could be a target. There are no guarantees of course but being a bit wise helps.

Morgan Pettigrew said...

you know this really doesnt have a whole lot to do with what you wrote about but it does pertain to sexual offenders. lol So did ya know the hotel we stayed at in panama? well one of the security gaurds raped and threw a girl down like 6 stories, and supposedly he is wanted in a bunch of states. and that really freaks me out because i was friends with like 3 of the gaurds!! AH

courtney said...

okay wait, so if they know the guy who is enrolled in Memphis is a sex offender then why in the world do they not put him in jail? It is so scary now a days. The problem is, I just do not walk as cautious as I should around the University of Memphis campus.