Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Moment of Truth

So I do not know if any of you all have watched the show Moment of Truth but I have watched it now the past two weeks and I can not believe how crazy that show is! The questions are not just general yes and no questions but they are questions that can ruin marriages and hurt people for a really long time! Like tonight they asked the guy if he had ever had sexual relations with his wife’s sister. Why would you want to answer that in front of your wife if you know you did it. I know you can win a lot of money, but who are you going to enjoy all that money with if you have ruined all your relationships with other people. The contestants who go on this show are just asking for trouble! They must either really need to get stuff off their chest or are desperate for money. I know the show is probably staged but I still do not know why someone would want to go on this show unless they are just in the mood to hurt people. I am not a real crazy person and have not done a lot of extravagant things like some of these people, but I would still not want to answer some of these questions on national television


Kelvin Oliver said...

I've seen this show a couple of times, like one episode on TV and a couple of them online. The players are asked though questions. I don't see a purpose for show; therefore I'm not sure if there is a purpose. The things they put on television these days.

Maggie Jo said...

BROOXIE! I love that show! Me and Kyle watched that one night and we were on the edge of our seats the whole time. haha. I am glad we are home now and getting to hang out again, somewhat. I hope you liked your treat the other night, it was silly. P.s I want our internet to work really bad! It pisses me off extremyly bad! love ya!

Anonymous said...

I saw commercials for that show but I have not watched it yet. First off, I can't believe people are willing to hurt their loved ones for money, but second of all, it is even worse that they did those horrible things in the first place! I always wonder how much of those shows are scripted and what is real..Oh and by the way, I sent my paper to you yesterday.

Nancy said...

The next show will be Murder Your Wife or something... TV has become really bad. I know reality shows are really popular but these type game shows seem to be a combination of reality show/Jerry Springer. They are awful. And I do not get the Top Model shows either. They seem to promote being self-absorbed. And who cares about being Paris Hilton' new BFF?!

Brandi said...

oh my gosh! Ive watched this show a few times and i just think to myself who would honestly put themselves on this show? Obviosuly, they are hiding something or maybe they aren't! But although this is a stupid show to have a television i do find it interesting and fun to watch. Especially when the music starts playing and dragging the answer on longer or when he ask a really big question and it goes to commercials! i get so mad. I think thats what makes you keep watching!