Thursday, January 31, 2008

University construction

I read the blog on the University of Memphis destroying the Prescott Memorial Baptist Church. I did not know this and I am sure many of you did not know that this church had been around for 75 years. Not only was this building a church for many years but it was apart of the community. With that, many people who have been around for years are upset. The sad thing is that the University is not even sure what it wants to do with the land. The University has mentioned plans of maybe a parking lot or another educational building. I think that it is great that the University is expanding. I think that in order for the University of Memphis to grow it must better its campus and develop new buildings and more parking. On the other hand I understand the anger from the other side. They want to keep their community like it is. When a place is that old, many people have special memories there. Although I think that it will be a great improvement for the University, I think that they should have had a plan before demolishing the building. Not only would this help the people who are angered, this would make the rebuilding process much quicker.


Wendy said...

I enjoyed your post. Good job.

Sarah said...

I also read this blog. It is sad that this building was torn down but I agree with you that it is good that the University of Memphis is starting to make some changes. I really think it will help the school and better the community surrounding it as well. I hope these changes will be made before we graduate. It sounds like it will be really nice.