Thursday, January 31, 2008

College Bound?

I decided to read every day, every child, college bound…maybe because of my issues with education and my paper but also because I really want to become a teacher one day.
In this blog they address a lot of the common problems in the education department but something that really hit was the part of college bound. Most schools focus on all of the students being college bound but not everyone is made out for college.
Schools also stress that just about anyone can get some kind of scholarship but why waste a scholarship on someone who does not really want to be there. Although college is necessary for many jobs today, many people make a great living without a college degree. Plus, if everyone got a college degree then who would do the work like construction, or servers?
Even though I do not think that every child should be forced or is made out to go to college, I do believe that everyone should be aware and have the opportunity to attend. I also do not believe that parents should make their children go to college. I know that as a parent you want the best for your child, but it is ultimately the child’s decision.
I think it is great how much schools are stressing the importance and experience of college but I also know that not everyone can go to college.

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