Thursday, January 24, 2008


I have chosen the issue about schools particularly Memphis City versus Shelby County. I chose this issue because I hope to one day become an elementary education or special education teacher. I believe that in order to the students the best education possible, the teachers must enjoy their job.
Many teachers do not truly love what they do anymore. They are too wrapped up into the government education issues. No Child Left Behind has become one of the major issues in both school systems. Children are getting through the grades without actually learning the information because of this law. The teachers are basically required to teach the students how to take standardized tests instead of covering the actual subject. I want to look at this issue deeper so that I can understand all of its components and see what changes could be made to better the school systems.
Another huge issue is money. Memphis City Schools are receiving a lot more money than Shelby County Schools. I want to know why they receive money and why their ratings are lower than the County schools. There are also all different programs offered at different schools. Many students choose where they live because of something particular they like for example sports or certain technical classes. Although I only attended a County school, I would like to discuss the differences with someone who has attended both.
I also want to know where all this money is going. I also want to compare scores and grades between the two schools to see which one is doing better academically. Another topic is teacher’s salaries. Why do Memphis City School teachers make more? And what determines which schools system the teachers want to teach in? the students, money, or location?

1 comment:

courtney said...

Brooxie I am doing school assessment too and I am wondering all the same things as you. I do not understand why City Schools are receiving more money in all aspects. The teachers there are getting paid more as well as the school just receiving more money. I guess we will just have to do some more research on it!