Thursday, February 21, 2008

Second part to exceptionalism

The tornado incident that happened this past week is another example. Many people took the storm lightly because they thought that it would not be that bad. Much to their surprise it not only killed many people, it also destroyed homes and buildings including Union University. This region is used to being told to be careful of the weather and nothing ever happens so they thought it would be just another storm. Sometimes it takes something like this to happen for people to realize that it does not matter where you are or how great you are, something unexceptional can always happen.
Hegemony is also a huge factor in the factor of exceptionalism. Every country wants to be the most dominant and have control, but that is not possible. Although many unexceptional things happen because of weather or other natural causes, many countries cause unexceptional things to happen so that they can have more power. Countries will try to tear down others so that they are more dominant. I think that all of the countries need to realize that it is impossible to have equality among the countries but that they all just need to try to settle things because within these unexceptional things that occur, innocent people are dying and land is being destroyed.

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